No.48 Linyuan N.Rd, Linyuan District, Kaohsiung City 83252, Taiwan
About Us

EX International develops and produces high quality propulsion systems for UAVs.
Propulsion systems include fuel-injection and starter-alternator with gasoline engines.
Our aim is to provide high quality products with compatible prices for UAV companies.
GP engine isn’t just an average two stroke. Its elaborate design makes itself a fitting engine for 3D flights. They not only aim to consume less fuel but to increase their enduringness. Crankcase Weight matters in 3D flights. That’s why GP crankcases are smaller in size and have less weight,...
We are a team of GP Engine that makes quality, powerful engines. Though you might have already seen pilots flying our engines at different events like FXFC, EXFC, IMAC…to name a few, you never get to own or fly a GP yourself. GP is dedicated to the idea of low-cost...
Contact Us
Phone Numbers
+886 7 6451
No. 472-1, Sec. 3, Fenglin Rd., Linyuan Dist., Kaohsiung City 832, Taiwan (R.O.C.)